Creamy goat cheese is lightly dusted with pecans, honey, and rosemary. These are so delicious, light, and refreshing, they could be served as appetizers...
At Christmas I serve friends and family Nannie's Cheese Logs in gift trays, and this spin off on my family's Cheese Log recipe was at the top of the list....
This is a great cheesy and flavorful appetizer for holidays or any other time. Betcha can't eat just one as they are delicious. Great served with buttery...
A decadent cheese ball made with blue cheese, onion and spices. Adjust the amount of heat to suit your guests. This is perfect if you are a blue cheese...
This recipe is fantastic! Every time I take it somewhere, people ask me for the recipe. For the cheese sprinkle, you can use 1/2 of an envelope of dry...
A decadent cheese ball made with blue cheese, onion and spices. Adjust the amount of heat to suit your guests. This is perfect if you are a blue cheese...
This is the quickest and easiest appetizer I know of. It takes only minutes to make and can be served almost immediately. You can keep the ingredients...
So simple with just two ingredients, but whenever I've brought it to a party, I'm always asked for the recipe, as though there must be a lot to it. Scrumptious!...
This recipe is fantastic! Every time I take it somewhere, people ask me for the recipe. For the cheese sprinkle, you can use 1/2 of an envelope of dry...
A delicious combination of cheeses highlighted by the sweet and spicy flavor of roasted red pepper. I promise you'll love it! Roll in chopped nuts if you...
A delicious combination of cheeses highlighted by the sweet and spicy flavor of roasted red pepper. I promise you'll love it! Roll in chopped nuts if you...
A delicious combination of cheeses highlighted by the sweet and spicy flavor of roasted red pepper. I promise you'll love it! Roll in chopped nuts if you...
This is a fantastic cheese ball recipe that you can add to, and make different for any occasion! You can change this recipe by withholding the meat and...
I just wasn't satisfied with the ingredients in other cheese ball recipes. So, I made my own and took it to a Christmas party, where it was enjoyed by...
This cheese ball is one our family has had and used for 20 years. We love it. It's simple, and most of the ingredients are kept on hand. Roll it in nuts...
I grew up eating this on special occasions. We ate it with either buttery, round crackers or stuffed in celery sticks. It is very rich tasting. Try different...
A decadent cheese ball made with blue cheese, onion and spices. Adjust the amount of heat to suit your guests. This is perfect if you are a blue cheese...
This recipe is fantastic! Every time I take it somewhere, people ask me for the recipe. For the cheese sprinkle, you can use 1/2 of an envelope of dry...
This recipe is fantastic! Every time I take it somewhere, people ask me for the recipe. For the cheese sprinkle, you can use 1/2 of an envelope of dry...
I just wasn't satisfied with the ingredients in other cheese ball recipes. So, I made my own and took it to a Christmas party, where it was enjoyed by...
This is an extremely easy cheese ball recipe, that you will be asked for at every occasion! Also very versatile to different kinds of cheeses! Serve chilled...
Serve this black cheese ball with blue corn chips or dark rye toast for a ghastly presentation. It's punchy, just like you'd expect cheese of the dead...
Serve this black cheese ball with blue corn chips or dark rye toast for a ghastly presentation. It's punchy, just like you'd expect cheese of the dead...
This is a fantastic cheese ball recipe that you can add to, and make different for any occasion! You can change this recipe by withholding the meat and...
These sausage balls were a hit at our Christmas party this year. I accidentaly used low-fat cheese in the recipe and couldn't tell the difference. No frying...
This recipe is fantastic! Every time I take it somewhere, people ask me for the recipe. For the cheese sprinkle, you can use 1/2 of an envelope of dry...
A delicious combination of cheeses highlighted by the sweet and spicy flavor of roasted red pepper. I promise you'll love it! Roll in chopped nuts if you...
This is as close as one can get to the famous restaurant 'bar scheez; spread my mother loved, Win Schuler's®. It became a staple in our house. The horseradish...
This cheese ball is one our family has had and used for 20 years. We love it. It's simple, and most of the ingredients are kept on hand. Roll it in nuts...
Serve this black cheese ball with blue corn chips or dark rye toast for a ghastly presentation. It's punchy, just like you'd expect cheese of the dead...
At Christmas I serve friends and family Nannie's Cheese Logs in gift trays, and this spin off on my family's Cheese Log recipe was at the top of the list....
This is a fantastic cheese ball recipe that you can add to, and make different for any occasion! You can change this recipe by withholding the meat and...
This recipe is our family's holiday favorite. Grandma usually doubles the recipe, otherwise it won't last long! It can be rolled in ground nuts, bacon...
This delicious cream cheese-based appetizer is a great addition to any holiday party and is always a hit with guests due to its festive look! I have typically...
The cheese balls add a change to your pasta dinner. This is a great recipe that I got from my father. He made these while I was growing up and I loved...
With a surprising taco-flavor, this rich and creamy cheese ball is shaped and decorated like a wreath so it's perfect for your holiday table. Serve with...